SCP Standing Rules Regarding Scholarship
The preschool, upon recommendation of the Scholarship Committee, reserves the right to award scholarships to those families who have undue stress placed upon the family’s budget due to loss of employment, low income, medical or other major expenses.
a. Scholarship forms are available from the President, Treasurer or the Forms and Docs page.
b. Scholarships are partial. Scholarship recipients must pay a minimum of 50% toward tuition each month.
c. Scholarships will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis. The amount awarded will be based on the current income chart as approved by the board and the availability of funds.
d. The Scholarship Committee consists of the President, Teacher, Treasurer and Bates Instructor.
e. All scholarships are held strictly confidential.
f. Scholarship recipients must meet all of their obligations to the school. The scholarship will terminate if requirements as documented in the By Laws and Standing Rules are not met.
g. Scholarships are intended to be temporary in nature and will be granted for periods of up to three (3) months. If additional assistance is required, scholarship applicants must complete and resubmit a scholarship form to the Treasurer for consideration.
h. Registration and Bates fees will remain the responsibility of the recipient.
i. Scholarships are awarded regardless of sex, race, religion, ethnicity, or disability.
If you'd like to apply for a scholarship, contact the Sumner Co-op Treasurer for a copy of the form or go to Forms and Docs. Once filled out, submit the form to the treasurer (you may leave it in the treasurer's lock box) or e-mail the completed form to: