Bates Technical College
Our Preschool is Affiliated with Bates Technical College
Bates Technical College provides:
A Home & Family Life Instructor is assigned to your school to provide assistance, consultations and parent education classes
Enrichment materials for the classroom
Referrals to community resources
Monthly, Teacher workshops
Board trainings and advisory assistance to help preschool board officers administer their school’s nonprofit organization business
Access to affordable insurance and guidance in maintaining a safe learning environment
Monthly parent education opportunities
Access to the Bates Technical College Resource Center, a place for teacher’s and parents to make learning activities to use with children and gather parenting information
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College credits earned by the parent registered in the Cooperative Preschool/Parent Education Program
Risk Management Trainings to help keep your preschool a safe and healthy place
Access to child development trainings for parents who are interested in entering the Early Childhood Education field.
Bates Technical College Supports Parent Involvement
Have opportunities to participate in quarterly daytime and monthly evening parent education seminars
Lab experience: Assist in the classroom 2-4 times a month, guiding children in discovery activities, practicing guidance techniques and learn about child development
Gain leadership and management skills by participating in administering the preschool’s nonprofit organization business
Make friends, have fun and learn skills that will help them make choices that will benefit their child’s future
Bates Technical College Supports the Children’s Learning Program
The Children’s Program:
Provides opportunities for discovery and creativity
Children develop skills that help them gain confidence and mastery over their environment
Encourages thinking, problem-solving and courage to try challenging tasks
Fosters a sense of wonder and a joyful hands-on approach to learning
Promotes respect for other children, adults, and the environment Challenges children at all levels of ability and respects their need to practice newly acquired skills
Introduces academics and the arts in a way that invites hand-on exploration - the best method for truly learning concepts and skills
Keeps class size small and the ratio of adults to children high to insure all children receive help and attention and provides for safe supervision
For information about Bates Technical College, Home & Family Life, Cooperative Preschool and Parent Education Program please call:
Home & Family Life Department, 253.680.7500
Bates Child Studies Department
South Campus , Bldg E
2201 South 78th Street
Tacoma, WA 98409